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Iris (MO-102) is a 17 year old Modified Ovum that was born in the year 2426 and lives in the Chōju System in the Tanjō arm of the Triangulum Galaxy about 170 lightyears away from NGC 588. Iris travels around their home planet, Seiiki, in a little van with their friend Taiga, exploring the history of their creators and how he was born. Iris is a very reserved and cautious person who does not talk much, and takes great care of his things, one of which is his weapon he carries around, the APR 308. They are considered a survivor of the Wolf-Rayet incident 16 years prior.


Iris's Ovum was created with Batch 422 in the year 2405 and fertilized in Center 144 in early 2409. A small incident occured where the wrong amount of hormones were inserted into Iris due to a metric-imperial conversion error, but was deemed insignificant and the development proceeded. A year after fertilization, the Wolf-Rayet incident occured and required evacuation of the entire planet due to atmospheric and magnetic disruptions, leaving Iris's Ovum to be monitored and maintained automatically by the systems within the Center, leaving many to believe Iris's Ovum would survive no longer than a year without human maintainance. Miraculously, Iris kept developing as per normal. However, 17 years later, a single-event upset caused a bit flip in one of the system's computuer causing the release of Iris as a safety-protocol measure.

Modified Ovum(MO)

Modified Ovums are human Ovums that are genetically editied to fit certain physical or mental requirements, examples include agility, endurance and sight. A 2103 collaboration between the United States and Japan, called Project Entity, was the first test of major modifications to a human ovum, with previous attempts involving small changes like height, eye color and intelligence. Project Entity was considered highly controversial in the scientific community as the gene editing procedure was created by a Japanese AGI with many calling the researchers "lazy" and "negligent" for using an AGI rather than spending time carefully researching and finding possible side effects to gene editing. Modified Ovums took many years to be accepted, but was later approved by most governments, with it being widely used by their militaries since 2127.

Modifications to MO-102

Iris is one of the first 10 subjects to feature a modified eye structure using DNA from another animal. Iris's eyes has been modified to have a larger cornea with the addition of the Tapetum Lucidum which can be found in felines, allowing Iris to have much better night time vision compared to normal humans. This modification was made as a request from the Unitied Allies Special Response Team (UASRT) with the requirement being MOs with better night time vision and steady body for sniping targets at long range.



Taiga was the first conscious entity for Iris to meet and they have since formed a very close bond with each other. Taiga acts as Iris's navigator, finding shortcuts and ways around various obstacles.


  • The flower on Iris is a Diva Frangipani
  • Iris's eyes used to be red
  • Iris was originally a soviet cosmonaut, as they were inspired by Sasha from Astrophysics (please listen to their music)
  • Iris is actually a close representation of me physically (and somewhat mentally), we have the same birthday and height.